Getform x Callingly

Getform x Callingly

Signup to Getform to make Callingly Calls Automatically From your Lead Form!

Callingly is a sales accelerator that speeds up the reaction time of your sales team and increases your conversion rate automatically. With Callingly, you can guarantee that every lead will get a call and get connected in less than 30 seconds if an agent is available.

Getform is the most advanced form platform to collect data from online forms. Using Getform, you can build any type of form, start collecting submissions within seconds and send the data to over a thousand other services including Callingly for additional processing. It is also perfectly suitable to create static site generator forms on sites using NextJS, Nuxt, Gatsby, Jekyll or Github Pages.

Keeping track of your contact form or feedback form submissions consistently can be very important if you want to turn leads into customers. You can use this Getform-Callingly integration to call your contacts instantly if your form asks for their phone number. Now, you can reach out to every new lead as soon as they fill out your form by turning your contact form submissions to Callingly calls.